It may turn out that the most that can be hoped for is a slow political marginalization of Hezbollah.
In Darfur, as elsewhere in Sudan, the rebels are fighting their people's economic and political marginalization.
The magazine's political marginalization, however, also had financial consequences, becoming a significant financial drain by the early 1940s.
Muslim nationalism became evident in the provinces where the Muslim minorities resided as they faced social and political marginalization.
Most of the characters grapple with feelings of social exclusion or political marginalization, which are recurring themes in their conversations.
Another factor to be felt in the cities is the increasing political marginalization of the older industrial regions of the UK.
The continued political marginalization of the cities and their inhabitants raises the question of urban disturbances.
Processes of economic change, political marginalization, demographic restructuring and financial deficiencies affect communities that could not be identified as 'urban'.
Due to the competition and political marginalization, many Nuer politicians were unable to pursue their careers because of so much nepotism.
There has been ongoing debate about the political, social, and economic marginalization of the San (indigenous tribal population).