Its author is Subcomandante Marcos, the political mastermind and military strategist of the Zapatista guerrillas of southern Mexico.
This turned out to be a wise choice as Cavour was a political mastermind and a major player in Italian unification in his own right.
Not so, say Doug Friedline and Dean Barkley, the political masterminds of Mr. Ventura's 1998 victory.
It would also be likely to seal Mr. Zeng's reputation as China's political mastermind, who mixes personal ambition with a nearly legendary ability to deliver results for his superiors.
Even though the political masterminds might think of them as props, the people in the crowd persist in thinking of themselves as voters.
Subcomandante Marcos is their political mastermind and military strategist.
When Hastings mentions the Big Four, the man begins speaking, he tells them that number 1 is a Chinese political mastermind named Li Chang Yen.
Lorenzo de' Medici was considered a political and cultural mastermind of Italy in the late 15th century.
Mr. Rollins has since called the whole thing a lie, insisting that he made it up to embellish his reputation as a political mastermind.
But unlike his predecessor, Mr. Hoplin says he has no plans to work behind the scenes as a political mastermind.