In the 1980s he had objected to political misjudgments that lengthened and deepened losses in the savings and loan industry.
The powerful former secretary general of his Liberal Democrats, Koichi Kato, called the alliance with New Komeito a political misjudgment.
But it proved to be a political misjudgment as many councils took the opportunity to rid their towns and cities of selective state education.
Some departures, of course, were inevitable, a byproduct of political misjudgments, searing Congressional scrutiny and independent counsels.
In a classic piece of political misjudgment he even told his party conference in a speech that the poll tax would win the Tories the next election.
Commercial, political and military misjudgments played significant parts in Britain's defeat.
After the war, Elert acknowledged his political misjudgments.
In another way, however, the hastily-drawn up plan was a rare example of political misjudgment by Roosevelt.
Azernal's jaw fell open as he saw that this one political misjudgment had metastasized into a fatal catastrophe for thousands of Klingon soldiers.
Worse, he committed a grave political misjudgment in conducting a fierce campaign against the Congressional committee which decided, correctly in the event, that the charges did merit serious investigation.