Ending the party's political monopoly was not on the list.
But it was definitely a sign that the population is tired of United Russia's political monopoly.
The years following independence have been marked by significant reforms to the Soviet-style economy and political monopoly on power.
The Allies stayed for the next two months and ended Fascist political monopoly.
With us the soviets have been bureaucratized as a result of the political monopoly of a single party, which has itself become a bureaucracy.
States are primary actors because there is no political monopoly on force existing above any sovereign.
That machine is now more divided and less effective than at any time since it consolidated its political monopoly in 1929.
All three republics, for instance, had already reformulated Article 6 of their own constitutions so as to end the communist political monopoly.
Islam belongs to everyone and cannot be used as a political monopoly for one political party.
The political monopoly the regime retook at gunpoint is not a formula on which economic reform can be built.