He barely won his 1984 Senate race against a political novice, even while outspending him 12 to 1.
She was a reluctant political novice, but this impoverished country looked to her hopefully.
Both are political novices making their first runs for public office on the state level.
He was unknown, a political novice, and I don't know if they were feeling suicidal or simply being realistic.
As a political novice and a freshman in the minority party, he has little influence.
He is a political novice, having won his first term in the upper house during the recent election.
Americans have grown used to seeing rich political novices seek office, but rarely has one race drawn so many.
The other is the fact that he's pretty much a political novice.
He knew what ought to be done but there, in his path, was this political novice.
At the time of his appointment, Guig was a 39 year old political novice.