Administration officials proclaimed that Mr. Clinton had reached his decision out of principle; critics said it was political pandering.
As I mentioned to Nat above, it's political pandering which is ruling the day - not coherent policies.
Unless it is political pandering, but I don't want to believe that.
In the System These changes of heart are easy to dismiss as mere political pandering.
Nelson's not interested in being the butt IT, political pandering.
A central panda fact became apparent: pandas, above all else, are perfect for political pandering.
Term limits, the 24-hour news cycle, calculated press leaks and political pandering have long been familiar to elected officials.
Republicans dismissed her remarks as political pandering to a partisan audience.
It is hard to believe that the Dole proposal for repeal of the gas tax is effective even as political pandering.
It's just political pandering, showing how tough you are on crime by being tough on prisoners.