In the terminology of political pollsters, the governor's positives were instantly 240 feet higher when the miners emerged from their ordeal this morning.
Numerous studies have been done by political pollsters and publications analyzing the voting behavior of GenJonesers.
One political pollster warned against making too much of a governor's last legislative hurrah.
Instead, he returns, with characteristic discipline and obvious coaching from his political pollsters, to the theme of "common ground."
That sort of return is even lower than those used by political pollsters.
A political pollster says the economy will be the big issue in 1992.
Mike Wissot is a political pollster and market research specialist.
Manhattanville College recently joined the ranks of other academic institutions as a political pollster.
He has hired a political pollster to help "refine" his message, though he rarely seems to follow the advice.
Twenty-first-century political pollsters, transported to the eras of these plays, would find the daily, even hourly, changes in popular opinion all too familiar.