For the most part, black elected officials, at least publicly, have portrayed their opposition as a matter of political pragmatism.
The son also inherited from the father, who now has Alzheimer's disease and lives in a nursing home, a streak of political pragmatism.
Their responses seem driven more than anything by political pragmatism.
But many experts suspect that the government's outlook is born more of political pragmatism than economic analysis.
He said: "I come by my political pragmatism the hard way.
Eight years out of power have certainly fueled the social conservatives' political pragmatism.
But he added, "the one thing that ruled Wallace's life more than anything was political pragmatism."
But Gore is still clearly torn between his idealism and political pragmatism.
I appeal for political pragmatism; what has been achieved must be safeguarded.
This is not only a matter of dealing with political pragmatism: but we are actually providing means for repression.