Yet free-market types seeking to make newly auctioned spectrum licenses freely transferable cannot expect much help from President Clinton and other political pragmatists.
Mr. Tolbert is a political pragmatist, and he is not counting on victory.
He is known as a political pragmatist and for a managerial style that reflects his experience in the private sector.
Dave is one of the most efficient if not the supreme political pragmatist, so why is he bringing up these subjects?
But far from being liberal sentimentalists, they are political pragmatists.
Alençon was a leader of the politiques faction of political pragmatists.
That leaves political pragmatists - centrists with their hands out - as target for the gambling lobby's influence.
Kim Young Sam is a political pragmatist and backroom deal-maker.
George Osborne, the endlessly political pragmatist, urges caution.
Its magical populist appeal will tempt political pragmatists of all hues.