It is odd timing, given the political preoccupation with terrorism, corporate misconduct and Iraq.
Literary critic Christopher Ricks suggests that the song transcends the political preoccupations of the time in which it was written.
In spite of political preoccupation, he was known as an eminent academic.
No political preoccupation should turn our attention from Palestine!
Bacalbaşa's political and artistic preoccupations formed the basis for three new books, all printed in 1894.
Tippett felt that the work encapsulated all his current political, moral and psychological preoccupations.
After Franco's death at the end of 1975, the overwhelming political preoccupation was the creation of new democratic institutions.
But overall the show masks the extent to which the war had become a major public and political preoccupation by 1968.
Yiddish theater in Poland reflected the political preoccupations of its time.
- A partial list of Tony Kushner's current political preoccupations.