Fry's other works, including Leonora (New York debut in 1858) and Notre-Dame of Paris (1864, Philadelphia), received mixed reviews along partisan lines: conservatives tended to dislike Fry's music, whereas political progressives highly enjoyed it.
For defending the legal rights of Lewinsky, Kohn and his partners, brother Stephen and David K. Colapinto, endured the wrath of centrist liberals, despite the fact that they are dedicated political progressives.
I thought that progressives, political progressives in this country were prepared to stand by public services and believe in them sufficiently to say this will cost you and we are prepared to to put the bill to you because we believe you will pay the bill.
And the group's half-dozen disparate poets and novelists, ranging from political progressives to conservatives, were unhappy at being lumped together.
From among the small but ardent population of political progressives inhabiting Greenbriar, Pollifex had identified thirty of the wealthiest.
And these are political progressives.
Nathan and Snedeker give a compelling and disturbing picture of an America in which seemingly responsible and respectable individuals, organizations, and institutions were caught up in an appalling hysteria that sent many innocent people to prison while civil libertarians and political progressives were shamefully silent.
A popular gathering center for political progressives and coffee-swigging, laptop-toting locals (not that they're mutually exclusive), this large indoor courtyard restaurant and café is a comfortable place to while away the hours.
Building a reputation of defending trade unionists and political progressives, Olson was elected to the Utah State Senate in 1916.