However, the increasing economic difficulties resulted in a political radicalization and polarisation of the political parties.
Jones later said that "the incident deepened my disaffection with the system and accelerated my political radicalization."
That was the beginning of a long, painful spiritual rehabilitation that coincided with his political radicalization.
Following these events, Untermann was briefly in the German military, an interlude which he later recalled to be decisive in his political radicalization:
Business leaders are also starting to say that the price of Mr. Collor's continuance in power is economic paralysis and political radicalization.
OACL played a major role in the political radicalization of the Shi'a community during the 1970s.
Subsequently the politicization of historical interpretation would become more evident, in keeping with the profound cultural and political radicalization that characterized the period.
From 1930 to 1933 there was a political radicalization.
The adoption of the new Albanian line did not mean the political radicalization of the PCdoB.
Unfreezing: Loss of social connection can open an individual to new ideas and a new identity that may include political radicalization.