This prompted her to become directly involved in the political revolt.
That seemed to some political leaders to mark the beginning of the end of the bipartisan spirit created by the political revolt.
British fascism was to come close to being rationalized as the political revolt of the romantic imagination in the twentieth century.
It had its genesis in the Progressive era of political revolt and reform of the early 1900's.
Beyond the show, of course, the real world was exploding in political and sexual revolt.
Of these, the most important is Martín Rivas (1862), which describes the career of a young man during the 1851 political revolt.
They "undertook nothing less than a social and political revolt," he writes.
The next day there was a political revolt in Asia and the wells were nationalized.
It's a world of anarchy, political revolt and violence, set a generation hence, which eerily mirrors our own.
Another is of a potential political revolt.