Americans, devoted to political self-determination, can only cheer the disintegration of the Soviet Union, a whole maintained by force and terror over the parts.
Indeed, during my stay in Detroit, I came to regard the city as isolated and nearly autonomous, struggling for economic survival and political self-determination.
Which force is greater - the trend toward economic union or the march to political self-determination?
It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.
But the Bishop said that the fundamental problem is the lack of political self-determination.
Many aboriginal groups have been actively seeking a higher degree of political self-determination and economic development since the early 1980s .
The meeting asserted as valid the right of the Rhineland peoples to political self-determination.
They say it's a war about the right of political self-determination.
The citizens of Belarus are demanding and deserve effective changes that will improve their living conditions, effectively promote democracy and allow them full political self-determination.
Looking at the world, he takes a good thing - political self-determination, nationalist pride - and carries it to an extreme.