The scene was set for the political showdown.
The week ended with a political showdown over - of all things - a company that runs container ports.
"It doesn't mean anything to them to embarrass him, because they'd rather have a political showdown."
The week ahead, as the Israeli Parliament moves into its summer session, may see a political showdown over this issue.
As a result, taking on the Governor in a political showdown had a certain appeal, associates of Judge Wachtler said.
Whoever wins among the Democrats on Tuesday, the final race promises to be an interesting political showdown.
It led to a major political showdown between the government and some religious scholars, who objected to the tax on wages on theological grounds.
This was not a political showdown - it was an attempted constitutional coup.
There was never really a political showdown with the governor to back off from, they say.
He said yesterday that it had never been his objective to seek a political showdown.