Exercise is deemed acceptable, but Falun Gong practitioners are accused of being tricksters and political subversives.
But what else would you expect from a planet populated almost exclusively by crooks, rebels, and political subversives?
In this tight-locked cultural milieu, college girls who defy the Religious Police by wearing red on Valentine's Day take on the sheen of political subversives.
The police hunt for political "subversives" has not abated.
For their next plot, they acted as political subversives, using the Mandrill's powers to raise Black Spectre, a cult of black women committed to overthrowing America.
Finch (1989:290-1) asserts that there has been a progressive growth in the routine surveillance of political 'subversives' over the past decade.
These movies helped to establish a cold war cinema, peopled with either dangerous political subversives or aliens from outer space.
The army acted "in response to a public clamor" for a hard line against political subversives, the statement said.
The "Carpetas program" was a massive collection of information gathered by the island's police on so called "political subversives."