He and his supporters say his prosecution was part of a political vendetta.
In some cases the farmers seemed to have been targeted because of political vendettas or because high officials had their eyes on the properties.
At the time, the trials were considered problematic by local and external observers, because they appear to have been used for carrying out political vendettas.
"One would hope that this was done for objective reasons and is not a political vendetta."
And he sent out word that the purges and political vendettas of the past were to be no more.
His critics prefer phrases like "political vendetta" and "abuse of power."
A revived democracy will require new safeguards against political vendettas.
This is all just a political vendetta by the Governor's enemies.
Until today, the two had insisted that they were victims of a political vendetta.
His "mistakes" just gave an opportunity for a "concerted political vendetta by my opponents."