Many conservatives blame Mr. Darman for talking the President into the politically fatal tax increase in 1990.
Had the subcommittee rejected or substantially altered the legislation, it could have been politically fatal.
Mr. Gore could run into new and politically fatal problems over his next year in office.
In another down-to-the-wire race, that combination could be politically fatal.
Tarring Mr. Putin with the same brush could be politically fatal for him.
Whether or not these flaws are politically fatal, here's the puzzling part: Despite them, the report is probably basically right.
He was a surprisingly spiritual man, but like Bush, he had a politically fatal attachment to the idea of the Presidency as a passive stewardship.
They nominated a fledgling candidate whose campaign has mostly engendered a politically fatal reaction: ridicule.
The scandal proved politically fatal to some incumbents.
As one would-be County Executive explained, the candidates are in a "Catch-22" situation, and it could be politically fatal for them to tarry.