Q. What about the moral issues of dealing with China, a politically repressive country?
People can communicate easily without hierarchy and without meeting (useful in politically repressive states) and state misinformation can be quickly refuted.
China is still a politically repressive place.
Only years later, after China's politically repressive regime relaxed slightly, releasing other prisoners and admitting its own excesses, did the criticism die away.
The autocracies of the Arab world have been as economically destructive as they've been politically repressive.
The Supreme Court thus provides, in principle, an important safeguard against the abuse of laws that could potentially have politically repressive consequences.
"It is a Calvinism identity," he said, "rather than a politically repressive identity."
Before the handover, he warned that Hong Kong could become a larger version of Singapore, a prosperous but politically repressive city.
The State Department said Hungary was considered one of the least politically repressive nations in the Eastern Bloc.
As a politically repressive state with an active bureaucracy and a strong economy, China is an example of a state high in both infrastructural and despotic power.