Even popular rock bands that usually stand in opposition to the mainstream and are often viewed as politically subversive are presenting a united front.
Not only were they politically subversive but they could easily be interpreted in a crude, simplistic way.
These groups filtered out politically subversive or morally questionable movies.
The philosophes, by contrast, represented a new generation of men of letters who were consciously controversial and politically subversive.
It was banned because it was perceived as being politically subversive.
These events led to the interesting situation that bluegrass and folk music was considered politically subversive by some of the Communist elite.
A number of historians have pointed to the movement as politically subversive and threatening to the absolutism in 18th-century France.
This phrase is often innuendo-laden, politically subversive, or lewd.
In their place he substitutes spontaneous devotion to God and neighbor - and commitment to the politically subversive view that "love is the only law."
Communist Party officials might be expected to be on the lookout for art that is politically subversive.