The politicians were backing his story.
But in America's farm belt, politicians have backed the ethanol movement as a way to promote the use of corn, the nation's most plentiful and heavily subsidized crop.
But many politicians have backed the resistance of banks to shutting down the zombies, for fear of widespread layoffs and a loss of political contributions from them.
Yet politicians and industry leaders are vigorously backing into the future with standards, tests and accountability as their mantra.
Greek politicians and organizations backed Serbia during the Yugoslav Wars.
Korošec and a few Slovene politicians backed the idea of an independent Slovene March, which would later be part of Yugoslavia.
While no politician (least of all Miliband) backs accusations that Blair has been freeloading, there is a genuine anxiety over the worth and impartiality of the Quartet.
But many French politicians have backed Mr. Mitterrand.
Several Israeli right-wing politicians called for a swift resumption of construction, and backed settlers' plans to resume building as soon as possible.
Some officers and politicians are quietly backing Lieut. Gen. Harsudiono Hartas, the military's chief of social and political affairs.