"We been doing this a long time," he told the politicians and guests gathered before the nation's stony-staring ancients in Statuary Hall.
Her father and mother often cooked together, especially on Saturdays when local politicians and dignitaries gathered at their house for lunch.
Every April, locals and politicians from all around the Commonwealth gather for some politicking, beer drinking, and fish eating.
The few politicians who still remained in Paris gathered in private to protest, exchange notes, point fingers, and avoid any real course of action.
So the politicians are gathering because they believe something does need to be done to prevent rising temperatures affecting our planet and the people who inhabit it.
"All the politicians gather there to eat first thing in the morning."
The politicians gathered at Mr. Pachachi's house did not say what they would do if the elections went ahead as scheduled.
"I'm not sure the politicians gathered there really understood the poem," she said.
When politicians gather in Ramallah, democratization is a central theme.
And today, residents and politicians gathered to celebrate the opening of a museum documenting that history.