If voters are unwilling to forgive, then politicians hope they will forget, or at least not hold their transgressions against them.
Once the power of the falls was used to drive industry - now local politicians are hoping it is enough to drive a tourist economy.
Many politicians hope that green, renewable energy will save the day.
But the politicians hope it is only the rhetoric that turns violent.
If the convention is successful, local politicians hope the euphoria will last.
Some other politicians hope to use the dismal trade numbers to gain support for protectionist legislation to benefit one industry or another.
He has been able to accomplish more in a few years than many politicians would ever hope to complete in a lifetime.
In Washington, politicians hope to avoid a tax bill this year.
The politicians also hope to form a single employment market within the common economic area resulting in a multinational workforce and a transfer of knowledge.
While some politicians hope to repair this through changing national laws, others are thinking of a new approach.