The politician, Chandra Shekhar, who was talking about what he described as undemocratic trends in the governing Congress Party under Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, mentioned riots by Hindus in 1984 after the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who was slain by her Sikh bodyguards.
Few politicians have even mentioned the measure.
Although his funeral was attended by the nobles of Scotland, no major politician or diplomat mentioned his death in their letters that survive.
The politicians rarely mention it, but the market in Japan for American manufactured goods grew faster than any other big market except Mexico, nearly doubling to $31 billion last year from $16 billion in 1987.
Why politicians never mention these taxpayers' easily earned dollars?
Mr. Obuchi, Mr. Kanemaru and the other politicians mentioned today denied the allegations.
Shiite politicians have in recent days mentioned two possible replacements: Jawad al-Maliki, an outspoken and highly visible member of Parliament, and Ali al-Adeeb, a longtime party official and aide to Mr. Jaafari.
The politician most prominently mentioned as Mr. Najibullah's potential successor is Sayed Mohammad Gulabzoi, the Minister of Interior.
Shiite politicians mention two party deputies inside Dawa - Jawad al-Maliki and Ali al-Adeeb - as possible replacements.
A politician casually mentions his partition role in loading a train with thousands of dead Muslims and sending it north.