The beardless aboriginal, who is wearing a black polka-dot dress, collapses on the pavement.
The jacket came out later in black and white animal prints and in a floral pattern over a polka-dot dress.
With this play, half the time I'm like, 'Who are you kidding with that polka-dot dress?'
It was not exactly a reception filled with pink polka-dot dresses and heart-shaped topiaries.
Dress manufacturers in Chinatown are shipping truckloads of polka-dot dresses, a hot seller this spring.
If you think that is trivial, consider how the polka-dot dress she chose is now forever etched on the nation's collective unconscious.
My mother is crouched just behind me and to the side, holding me by the arms, her polka-dot dress pulled up over her knees.
The owner of the legs wore a navy and white polka-dot dress that moulded itself to her figure in the slight breeze.
A little girl in a polka-dot dress with a tiny puppy wanders up the street.
Their daughter, Lisa, wears a polka-dot dress and looks shy.