For example, in Spain polls reported at one time a 90% opposition to the war.
A poll of Bristol Bay residents reported 20% in favor and 71% opposed.
A 2006 poll by Time reported that 17 percent of Christians in America said they identified with the movement.
Most polls report few important differences in how black and white Americans described their feelings about their country.
The poll, released last week, reported that several dozen doctors said they had practiced euthanasia.
The poll reported a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Other polls have reported that 51 percent of all workers surveyed said they would like to work past the age of 65.
State residents have mixed but generally good feelings about growth in their communities so far, the poll reported.
The $2,000 poll (never billed) reported that the public would accept adultery but not perjury.
The consumer-confidence polls report that Americans have never felt better about the country's economy.