The map below shows the latest polling information as of November 6, 2006, for House races.
The significance of such widespread comments is difficult to measure , particularly in light of contrary polling information.
"Evidently, the governor's campaign staff are reading the same polling information that we're reading and the heat's going to get a little hotter."
And like polling information, the amount of money a candidate has for campaigning is one of the best barometers.
"All our polling information tells us people like the dollar bill," said Michael White, a spokesman for the mint.
And because recent polling information indicated that most people remained undecided, the candidates are seeking direct contact.
There are also campaign materials, such as polling information, walled editorial cartoons, and advertisements.
After that, to devise a direct-mail appeal, Malchow would go over polling information to find out which issues would prove most effective.
She said the memorandum was an "effort to assist them in any way we can on domestic issues, foreign policy or just any current polling information."
Power, though, held firm to a belief that companies could benefit by analyzing unbiased polling information from consumers of their products.