Particularly problematic (for application efficiency) are the exposed polling methods, including the select/poll mechanisms.
Twitter client software generally uses a polling method to communicate with the Twitter service.
However, Horizon's own polling methods have been criticised for their use of a self-selected internet panel.
YouGov said that its own results in recent British elections were as close or closer to the actual votes than traditional polling methods.
He says that the polling method of pushing voters to state a preference early masks the "potential for significant shifts in opinion."
In effect, you would use polling methods to adjust the head count.
Why have none of the media's polling methods been used to gauge the public's real opinions about the plans?
If polling methods are used, they may miss smaller artists.
The actual viewer count of a given episode is calculated using a variety of polling methods.
This can be attributed to varying polling methods, demographics, and sample sizes between pollsters, amongst other things.