Mr. Barley was widely known for his statewide campaign to levy a penny-a-pound tax on Florida sugar to help pay for pollution damage to the Everglades.
Also, there were new reports of forest damage from acid rain and pollution damage to the ozone layer that protects the earth from dangerous radiation.
No insurance policy pays - or should pay - to clean up intentional pollution damage.
The study also made these findings: * The worst pollution damage occurred from the 1930's to the 1960's.
The study also found that many manufacturers are still unable to buy insurance at any price to cover possible claims for pollution damage.
Not all pollution damage requires repainting.
After much deliberation, New York City was required to pay $1 million USD for past pollution damages as well as pay for the clean up.
Being able to explain how serious, how difficult to overcome, and how important to prevent pollution damages through learning experiences of Minamata City and Japan.
There is often pollution damage done to estuaries when they are used for shrimp farming.
Czechoslovakia, Europe's worst case, reportedly lost more than 80,000 acres and suffers some pollution damage in 44 percent and more serious damage in close to 30 percent.