To what extent this pollution harms the high-altitude ecosystem is debatable.
Mr. Spitzer announced last month that he planned to sue the owners of power plants in upwind states, on the ground that their pollution harmed New Yorkers.
This pollution harms an estimated 100,000 sea turtles and marine mammals and 1,000,000 sea creatures each year.
For example, pollution from a factory directly harms the environment.
Similarly, chemical pollution will harm the fish itself, as well as the invertebrates and other organisms the Blacktail Redhorse relies upon to fulfill its dietary qualifications.
While the pollution in Dharavi will kill or harm primarily the people of Dharavi, some of the filth will reverberate around the world.
FOR years, maple sugar producers in Connecticut thought pollution was harming their sugar maples.
Linka closely studies bird life and, due to this, is extremely emotional when pollution harms them.
When work first started on the site local farmers were worried that pollution from the smelter would ruin their crops and harm their livestock.
A month before the governor's announcement, Mr. Spitzer announced his plans to sue the owners of power plants in upwind states whose pollutions harmed New Yorkers.