ONE solution favored by economists is a pollution tax, but in this case it didn't seem very practical.
It will be principally concerned with issues such as pollution taxes and other "market-based" strategies for environmental protection.
For now, local environmental officials rely on raising money on their own through pollution taxes and fines.
In 1991, the total annual amount of such pollution taxes reached $350 million, and that figure is expected to rise.
To reduce all three, we should impose a pollution tax on petroleum-based fuels.
Gradually raising the pollution tax over a period of years would give users time to update.
A pollution tax could theoretically be set at a level that would exactly match the external costs involved.
In neighboring countries, on the other hand, pollution taxes on diesel are high.
Otherwise there would be little purpose in the scheme and a basic pollution tax would have been introduced instead.
Across the globe, manufacturers can be subject to regulations and pollution taxes to offset the environmental costs of manufacturing activities.