The House version would also require the industry to build pollution-control equipment designed and warranted for an 80,000-mile lifetime, instead of the current 50,000.
After years of stalemate, and after the company agreed to spend several hundred million dollars on pollution-control equipment, the project is going ahead.
The problem that bothered residents the most was the result of new pollution-control equipment at our Gavin power plant there.
An example is companies that produce pollution-control equipment and services, a market estimated at more than $100 billion a year.
As for companies, they see huge opportunities in the sale of pollution-control equipment and environmentally friendly products.
When it finally exits the stack, the exhaust gas, also cooled by pollution-control equipment, is at 135 to 160 degrees.
The provision, known as "new source review," requires older power plants to install modern pollution-control equipment whenever they significantly expand production.
The companies could sell these credits to other concerns that may not have invested in expensive pollution-control equipment.
Utilities that installed new pollution-control equipment were given 10-year exemptions from further upgrades.
Even with that precaution, the company worries about the harm done to its engines and their pollution-control equipment by burning Chinese gasoline.