The 'Hi' series was available in regular ripstop nylon, or also available made from 'Icarex', a lightweight polyester material that allowed the kites to fly in much lower winds.
The delicate polyester material from Creations Metaphores comes in 34 colors and is 63 inches wide.
Strength, durability, cost, and stretch make polyester material the most widely used in fabric structures.
Epoxy materials tend to harden somewhat more gradually, while polyester materials tend to harden quickly, particularly if a lot of catalyst is used.
Solid surface plastic acrylic or polyester materials are usually prefabricated at the installer's shop and then assembled on site.
It's also made out of a warm, heavy polyester material with a thick padding to ensure warmth and tried-and-true patriotism all winter long!
You could also cover the row with Reemay or any other spun polyester material, which keeps bugs out and lets in water and sun.
Usually made of special polyester material, fabric ducts can provide air to a space more effectively than a conventional exposed duct system.
Made of heavyweight polyester colorfast material, these Nascar licensed flags are made to last for years!
The fabric for most of the trailers, developed by Hoechst A.G. of Germany, is a basket-weave polyester material coated with polyvinyl chloride.