While the nation has been said to have legally recognized polygamous unions in the past, their current legal recognition is unknown.
Uganda is one of the few countries allowing polygamous unions that do not have such restrictions.
Nigeria: Recognized in all northern states, federal law recognizes polygamous unions under customary law.
Polygamy is not a prevalent practice in the island nation of Mauritius and polygamous unions are not legally recognized.
Even still, it has been said that polygamous unions are slowly beginning to decrease, mainly due to social and economic reasons.
It is estimated that over one third of Nigerien women are in polygamous unions.
Under Zambian law, polygamous unions may be contracted and they have been reported to be extremely widespread in the nation.
Like most countries that allow for polygamous unions, the husband must notify his first wife prior to taking additional wives.
Both of these laws permitted polygamous unions.
Under civil law, Nigeria recognizes polygamous unions.