According to the best estimates, over one million polygraph examinations are administered each year in the united States.
Mr. Laurendi said his polygraph examinations showed that all of the accusers were telling the truth.
Subsequently, the memorandum said, he declined additional polygraph examinations.
They also administer polygraph examinations for police and other job applicants as part of their background investigation process.
The statement by the department today said, "Several individuals experienced difficulties on some aspects of their polygraph examinations."
The results of polygraph examinations are not admissible as evidence.
It happens more than you'd think in polygraph examinations.
She looked at Mia and said, "Failing that polygraph examination was the beginning of your frustration, I'm sure.
He has also failed three successive polygraph examinations since January, and canceled plans for another polygraph exam two weeks ago.
While certain uses of polygraph examinations may be questionable, he said, a categorical rule of exclusion is unjustified.