He has been a polygraph operator for twenty-five years.
Our trade association has been pushing for years for state certification of polygraph operators, long before the Federal bill came into the picture.
While people can be trained to fool the polygraph with muscle control and other techniques, a good polygraph operator can often penetrate such stratagems.
Also, that the lawyer did not contact other experienced polygraph operators close to Pascagoula.
Because of a lack of trained polygraph operators, the number was far less than the total of 7,000 tests Congress had authorized for the last two years.
The polygraph operator determined that Reber had never had sexual relations with other State Department personnel, so he was not asked to name others.
Then he had a disturbing thought: what if Pat Casey were a better polygraph operator than he'd let on?
He said, "You can find a polygraph operator for anything you want."
The polygraph operator was a particularly good one who had been brought from D.C. for the testing.
"I can tell you right now that you can find a polygraph operator for anything you want them for," the Senator said.