It is built entirely from carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer composites.
More specifically the focus is on polymer composites, functional ceramics, surface engineering, coatings and high temperature materials and arc and laser pipeline welding.
Xolve, Inc. is a Madison, Wisconsin-based nanomaterial company that uses its proprietary technology to improve the attributes and performance of polymer composites and energy storage materials.
They are therefore promising candidates as fillers for polymer composites with enhanced thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties.
The surface system is made of a polymer composite, comprising a monofilament fibre and impregnated carrier layer.
Creation of polymer composites that can seal tiny cracks as they appear has long been a goal of chemists and engineers.
These categories include organic polymers, ceramic polymer composites, and compounds containing hydrogen-bonded radicals.
For example, there is research being conducted on novel ferroelectric polymer composites with high dielectric constants.
Synthetic polymers and polymer composites are used extensively in dentistry.
There is evidence in the academic literature of these biomimetic design approaches being used in the development of self-healing systems for polymer composites.