By the beginning of the 16th century, it was becoming more common to use the paraphrased tune in all voices of a polyphonic texture.
He also excelled at counterpoint, frequently writing fully polyphonic textures, with much use of multiple stops.
In a way, this polyphonic texture is reminiscent of the original New Orleans style of jazz.
Music may have a "polyphonic" texture or a "chordal" texture.
Contrapuntal, or 'polyphonic' textures have the special objective of creating additional beauty in music through the movement of parts.
He prefers polyphonic texture and dense stratification of flexible melodic voices.
His playing was distinguished by remarkable technical proficiency and capacity to articulate the polyphonic texture of Bach's music.
Here, an eight-measure theme returns periodically as a refrain, in a polyphonic texture.
He also incorporated traditional Jewish musical idioms into his use of dense polyphonic textures.
It is characterized by more consonant harmonies, a less polyphonic texture and a waltz rhythm.