In addition, the expensive wood and metal boxes have been replaced at most bento shops with inexpensive, disposable polystyrene boxes.
Sure enough, in each of two polystyrene boxes is a heaving heap of sand.
She was sitting in the shade of an Engelmann oak, eating a vege-burger out of a polystyrene box.
Legs found a polystyrene box, which they broke up and stuffed down their smocks for buoyancy.
Fish and seafood is transported, packed in wooden or foam polystyrene boxes with crushed ice, generally without the use of ice bunkers.
Fish were packed in wooden or foam polystyrene boxes with crushed ice.
He pulled a polystyrene box from the wound.
This was a man who had spent eight years laboring in a factory making polystyrene boxes before accepting a job as a caddie master.
She HOPE 157 was cuddling a large white polystyrene box in her arms.
Then saw the polystyrene box.