Between this escarpment and the western marsh the dim white of the causeway was hidden by packed and ponderous bodies.
A glaring light shone out from the ponderous moving body, and above the roar and rattle a voice called: "Out out of the way!
Water gushed down the channel as the ponderous body elevated.
Mason tapped on the panels, and after a moment, the floor creaked with the sound of a ponderous body moving in slippered feet.
Abruptly Singkai looked down again, hunching his ponderous body before he settled back into immobility.
Scarlett wondered how that ponderous body which shook the floors could move with such savage stealth when its owner wished to eavesdrop.
The phalanx of kones, already down on all fours, dropped their ponderous bodies to the ground.
The dragon sighed, flexed his huge wings, and lifted his ponderous body from the warm, soothing waters of the hot springs.
A hush spread around the room, while La Porte paced, his face in a sudden scowl, his ponderous body impressive for its agility.
MONK reached a taxicab by the simple expedient of hulking his ponderous body directly into the crowd.