But those objects issuing out of the trees at a leisurely and ponderous pace were not Folsom hunters.
Even a week would do no harm, I added secretly remembering the ponderous pace at which Mr. Anderson moved to perform his wonders.
He considered the son of Agamemnon a loose cannon, with no respect for order, but he himself was often frustrated by the ponderous pace of formal political debates.
Another panel analyzed the ponderous pace of cleanup of chemical dump sites around the nation under Superfund.
But DeJean hinted that the ponderous pace of the game may have worked against the Mets.
"The whole cinema was sighing and talking through the slow ponderous pace of this tough-watch film," said CynicalOptimistic.
A gravitational force of great intelligence and devotion seems to be pulling the flow of Schubert's music to a stately, sometimes ponderous, pace.
Van Rycke circled the waiting scooter which had delivered the stranger and came at his usual ponderous pace up the ramp.
Eventually bored with the singing and the skyclipper's ponderous pace, Victor craned his neck upward to look at the rippling sails outside.
Yet it was different from the matter-bound voices of the primitives, for its energy spread through matterless space, albeit at a pace exceedingly ponderous.