He stood there inside Mount Thunder's gutrock, a specter altogether different than the ponderous stone.
Doors there darkly dim gigantic were hewn in the hillside; huge their timbers, and their posts and lintels of ponderous stone.
The first wall is the thickest and is well below her conscious mind; its ponderous stones are fears-very well justified, considering her ordeal-of the brutal and terrifying degradation of rape, mortared with a vague and confused horror of incest.
The walls of the most penurious dwellings enclose a fluted pillar or ponderous stone, which once made part of the palace of the Caesars; and the voice of dead time, in still vibrations, is breathed from these dumb things, animated and glorified as they were by man.
Taran and Gurgi unsheathed their blades and, side by side attacked the ground beneath the ponderous stone.
A knight carries them like ponderous stones on his back, and their weight makes him strong and upright.
A noise of rending and crashing came dully through the ponderous stone.