Unlike other detection methods Pathatrix allows the entire pre-enriched sample or large pooled samples to be recirculated over antibody-coated paramagnetic beads.
These pooled samples were used to determine the average cRNA yield from 1 μg of total RNA and to compare the yields of the T7 polymerases from two different in vitro transcription kits.
This part of the experiment was the only time RNAs from different animals were pooled, the cRNAs from these pooled samples were not hybridized to arrays.
The pooled samples were homogenised for 20 minutes in five times the faecal weight of cold water using a Stomacher 3500 (Seward, London, UK).
So blood banks generally take a sample of the blood from each donor, mix it with blood from 6 to 16 other donors and test the pooled sample.
The resulting pooled sample is analyzed using the same steps (C & D) as basic IROA.
Individual disease advocacy organizations maintain control over their data and samples throughout the research process, while enabling collaboration among scientists by leveraging their resources: well-characterized, robust data sets including pooled samples from people with the disease.
The established 2-fold criterion is much too conservative; when using replicate arrays with pooled samples from multiple animals to reduce biological variation, it loses over 50% of putatively regulated genes and fails to eliminate false positives.
In this expression, Min is the minimum intensity of the pooled samples, Max represents the maximum intensity found in the pooled samples, and NV represents the normalized value.
Aliquots of the pooled samples and tenfold dilutions of the pool in hybridization buffer were hybridized to Test2 arrays at 45 C for 16 h in a rotisserie oven set at 60 rpm.