She helps Peekay to teach English to poor Africans.
But surely the EU's an economic club set up to benefit and protect the interests of its members - not those of poor Africans?
For centuries, the so-called Haratin lower class, mostly poor black Africans living in rural areas, have been considered natural slaves by these Moors.
Some economists argue that poor Africans value and use only things they have paid for.
Land grabs, tax evasion, resource exploitation, unfair trade practices all cost poor Africans much, much more than is returned to their countries in aid.
It turned out not to be chocolates at all but a framed piece of native craft made by poor Africans out of used tea bags.
To build a better bike for poor Africans in rural areas.
The hospital got its name because it is at the bottom of a hill and also because it served poor Africans during British rule.
The motives behind this mobilization could be genuine human concern about the "poor Africans."
They're tearing the poor Africans to pieces.