From the top of the world to sitting in a prison camp like a Pole or an Italian or a Russian or a poor damned Filipino.
This commission was tasked to provide medical insurance to poor Filipinos.
And it suggested that Mrs. Arroyo was eager to mend fences with poor Filipinos, who are among his strongest backers and were greatly angered by his treatment.
While in Taal, Agoncillo continued his legal services and gave charity to poor and oppressed Filipinos.
We started out to set those poor Filipinos free, but why that righteous plan miscarried perhaps I shall never know.
Most of the civilian population consists of poor Filipinos who were convinced by Mayor Mantes to settle in the islands since 2002.
As other nations in the region become more affluent, life for the mass of poor Filipinos has grown worse, according to World Bank figures.
We grow them to provide jobs for poor Filipinos and to enable the Philippines government to export.
He also angered the powerful Catholic Church by suggesting the government provide contraceptives to help poor Filipinos avoid unwanted pregnancies.
It features some disgusting material: poor Filipinos eating worms out of the trash.