Thus, poor rural Haitians cannot receive badly needed health care.
Asked how poor Haitians in outlying areas could be expected to contact such an office, one official said: "They don't have to actually come here.
Nadia is trying to get some money at the moment to leave for the Dominican Republic, like so many other poor Haitians, to find paying work.
In other words, be guided, at least in part, by what black South Africans or poor Haitians are themselves willing to undergo.
Worse for the poor Haitians, they are blacks of African heritage, like so many of the people who inhabit America's big, dying cities.
Finally, he allowed the clergy to raise its voice; as the economy collapsed, poor Haitians began to listen.
The poor Haitians do not need "spiritual sustenance."
Mr. Saba and others of the elite did not go into the streets to welcome the soldiers the way poor Haitians did.
Enlisted men, like the masses of poor Haitians, are thought by many here to have strongly supported Father Aristide.
"People are always looking at the poor Haitians who just stepped off their banana boat," he said.