Due to poor accessibility, life in these areas had grown in isolation.
Engine and suspension maintenance was difficult and time-consuming, due to a poor accessibility, though this was improved in later vehicles.
The factory's size and poor handicapped accessibility posed overwhelming challenges for the museum, which was never able to open there.
Clifford Harper's website (Flash media site with poor accessibility)
Being mountainous, these regions have poor accessibility due to geographical conditions and harsh weather that further increasing the vulnerability of populations living in these areas.
In the early part of 20th century the province was on a decline due to its inhospitable terrain and poor accessibility.
Lack of means of dependable transport and poor accessibility was one of the major drawbacks.
No conservation efforts have been made to protect the site because of poor accessibility and lack of knowledge of the archaeological site.
In our Community there are areas where particular constraints exist because of distance or poor accessibility.
However, some groups criticised the use of minibuses as having poor accessibility and giving uncomfortable ride quality.