It has faced criticism from users over its poor acoustics and uncomfortable staircase.
This is because of poor acoustics, where fans have repeatedly complained about the sound not being loud enough at concerts.
To correct the hall's notoriously poor acoustics, some expensive adjustments were tried during the 1960's.
Some experts say poor acoustics are a problem for all students.
Due to poor acoustics the main auditorium required an expensive refit in the mid-1990s.
Despite being a popular venue, the Free Trade Hall, built in the 1850s, had poor acoustics.
But it was also considered a very "dead" hall, with poor acoustics that resisted repeated attempts at improvement.
Areas of the building, particularly the council chambers, continue to suffer from poor acoustics.
It was built in 1956 to house the city's symphony orchestra and abandoned last year because of poor acoustics.
There is no conductor, poor acoustics and an audience of one.