One of the city's five counties, the Bronx, is the poorest urban county in the nation.
This isn't because of the war; you have to remember Afghanistan is the second poorest county in the world.
About 340 of the country's 380 poorest counties are in rural areas.
It is one of the poorest counties in the United States.
He points to the fact that sales tax in the four cities, where many of the county's poor live, are already higher.
Mr. Bush says he wants a community health center in every poor county.
"Of course, this is a poor county, and it does strain resources."
It is a relatively poor county with salaries starting at Y300.
By per capita income, is the 5th poorest county in the nation.
Hospitals also have their concerns, particularly about the use of emergency rooms, which now act as a medical safety net for the county's poor.