Ownership changed hands several times during the franchise's stay in Washington and was often plagued by poor decision-making and planning.
In the early years, this was less to do with protests from the outside than with poor decision-making and technical incompetence on the inside.
The term is also used to describe poor decision-making in business, politics, and gambling.
This leads to poor decision-making on the best ways to achieve our goals - and lets politics have a free ride.
A lack of focus and clarity can play a part in poor decision-making.
They say this working culture does not just put women off, it can also lead to poor decision-making.
Jenn - for poor decision-making throughout the task and allowing the go-karts to be approved.
The second crisis - the squeeze on the big distributors - also stems from poor decision-making.
However, high RI for individual without a family history of addiction has been related to poor decision-making.
Even when the play is similar in both games, the PC version shows evidence of poorer decision-making.